i havent been updating.,.
so sorry..
some of my entries are not published..
just click on arhives and click on the latest month, which is now August, and you'll see the latest entry..
or is it just my computer..?
lately i've been busy with school because exams are around the corner..
like next week to be exact..
and i've been meeting my love too..
come to think of it.. i miss him soo..
he's in camp now..
but im glad he could meet me yesterday to celebrate National Day with me and Lia.
bumped into Fazilah and Hairul at Marina Square's starbucks before the fireworks..
cool stuff..
we were at Marina Square's roof to catch the amazing lightworks..
cool stuff..
haha.. i said that twice.. lol.
didnt took any photos of it.. im sure you all seen it in the papers and all..
i like the
green star fireworks..
its so preettyyy..
after that we sat down at starbucks while we wait for the crowd to dismiss..
oh! i bumped into Juraimie and his girlfriend too.
still, i hate crowds.
Thursday: Marketing Management. 4.30-6.30pm
Tuesday: Business Finance. 8.30-10.30am
Wednesday: Business Law. 4.30-6.30pm
Thurday: EFMA. 4.30-6.30pm
Friday: SnW. 4.30-6.30pm
cool or whatt..
im not who you think i am.
im not the azirah you knew before.
time change me.
and there's nothing you can do about it.
neither can i.
i cant wait for Ella to come back.
4th september faster come cann??!!
oh, monday i have a make-up lesson with the Seventeen Mag team at Marina Square.
i hope it turns out good.
and the week after next, is the photoshoot for the 8 finalist..
i dont even know how the competition works..
till then.
whats wrong with having a non-malay boyfriend??my two loveliest.
im taking over now.