Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Those days where....

I miss you terribly. I miss your company, your laughter, your smiles. I miss waking up to your goodmorning texts and hearing your voice at the end of the line wishing me goodnight. I miss holding hands with you. I miss the times you would pat me on the head. I miss leaning on your shoulders. I miss putting and letting you put your arms around me. I miss the moments where i say i miss you. And i definitely miss you saying i love you too.

But this heart's still in stone. Frozen in time. Afraid of breaking into pieces. By the very person whom makes it leaps with joy. Just couldnt bear to be hurt the same way anymore.

And so i continue to miss you. Sometimes i fall in vain. Longing for your touch, care and love. But this mind is overbearing. Protecting the heart is its main priority. No one's ever breaking in, unless one earns it.