Ola! Its 1:15am 10th of March 2012. Im wide awake. Thanks to the Mr.TehTarik i had earlier from
lepak(chill out) session with my 2 favourite boys, Nash and Nas. Literally they are my favourites because i can shut my mouth without the pressure to speak when im with them. Love it.
Anyway just so you know, ive been sending out resumes in hopes for a new fulltime job. I havent been successful and im wondering whats wrong. I hope one comes in soon, Insyallah. And i also do hope that its something i enjoy doing. I have an offer though.
Its an arts company, CreativeHalo. They do projects for schools such as Clay Illustration, Sand Animation, Scrapbook Making, Digital Photography and etc; they offered me a 5-months contract before becoming a permanent with them. This is basically because i have no arts background. From there they will access me and see if im 'worthy' to be in their team. Im thankful, but im having second thoughts on this mainly because im not confident i can do it. Therefore, searching for alternatives. Insyallah.
So this week's creative project i did; a vest! Recycled from a dress which was too big for me(only bought it because it was a bargain,hehe). It has lovely tribal patterns and striking colors. Love it. For a first try in making a vest, i would give myself a 5/10 mainly due to my sewing techniques. Yes, still suck at it. But im much more confident with the cutting; its really nerve-wrecking to cut out a piece of garment because once you cut,THERES NO TURNING BACK!!
Well, what ya think? =)