haha.. i had fun.. although it would have been more fun with Shazana around because she will just scream like nobody's business..
like she's at home like that.. shheeessshhh..
Uncle Roslan was bloody good la.. i didnt expect him to sing like that because that is not how he usually sing!! im serious..
the suara jantan.. lol.
and i got the 30seconds of fame when the camera shot directly at where i was seated.. i cant wait for sunday to see the encore telecast...
i wanna see how buruk my face was!! bleahs.
im waiting for the pictures to be uploaded because the photographer took a shot at us.. i hope they'll put it up mann..
haha.. although its so unglamorous but what the heck.. haha
im suppose to be in school now but i woke up late so i was too lazy to attend that boirng tutorial for MarketingManagement...
strike off my attendance please.. i care no less.
just gonna attend the lecture for EFMA..
and later tonight i'll be going down back to Orchid Park Sec for a bbq..
finally a gathering!!
girls we should make one too!! my birthday horr!! hahah..
hint rabakk.. hahha..
i guess i'll end here..
finish up my project abit.. i still have the whole of tomorrow so its okay..
sikit-sikit, lame-lame jadi bukit.. hehhee
i miss looking this hot. bleahs