"can you find love in this mess?"
i think he/she whoever said it is right somehow.
in this mess, this new and modern people, everyone's perspective of love and dating is wayy wayy different than what is was.
i shant go in depth cause you'll get confuse.
oh!my uncle Roslan got into the next round of Anugerah2007!!!
haha..was screaming when they annouced the results.. he was among the lowest votes buuut.. the judges like he's singing laa come on...
this week has been a rollercoaster ride..
im stress about my projects and ICAs and some other stuff like pffffftt...
and im helping Lynnie for a photo shoot for school on either saturday or sunday..
drawings on tender skin didnt bother me that much.
what shocked you about me, i already expected it.
what you did, didnt shock me.
like you said, its the millenium.
everybody's doing it.
but not me.
to my dearest,
i know we havent meet up that often. you and i have been busy with our own stuff. we'll meet up soon kay dear? remember that i love you and im always here for you. and dont ever think that you'll lose ME okay.. you silly little thing.. take care my dear, and like you said
"Fashion is a form of ugliness so intolerable that we have to alter it every 6months" muah.
i need $10,000!!
WHO HAVE $10,000??!!!

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