i realized whenever i do update this pathetic this blog of mine, i would always start by apologizing for my hiatus.
well its true.
i do feel guilty for not updating to a handful that reads this dead blog of mine.
and yes, ive been busy yet again.
alright the September holidays is around the corner.
although i have to report to work still im glad i have my enrichment courses this September cause i get to meet my CCPE mates back at Tanjong Pagar again.
lets see who have change, not that its not obvious.
i must admit this year i havent been religious for the fasting month.
God, whats going on?
i cant find you in my heart.
i hope i'd find you soon before Ramadhan comes and goes like the lightning during a storm.
the sunshine in the rain.
the wind in the heat.
the flaps of the butterfly wings.
all so magical.
its simply awesome.
tonight i lay down and close my eyes.
a smile lurked across my face.
thinking about this day and night.
nothing beats this.
its free too *smiles
its amore babe.

Saturday, August 29, 2009
Friday, August 21, 2009
melayu maju?
*cough cough
presenting the most minah-looking mum i have ever seen.
i will never forget that look on your scorny ass face.
i'll be the matured lady and take all your bullshits.
from A to Z and 1 to 3.
i will surely hear from you again and i would not hesitate to be 'nice' to you.
i dont give a damn if i got fired from my job.
seriously dude.
muka tu make-up banyak-banyak pun kalau dah hodoh, hodoh jugak!
seriously be a fucking parent.
if you care SO much about your child, call your child first and find out whatever you want to know.
be the fucking parent.
omg you make me curse you on the day before Ramadhan, the first terawih night.
ciao babe
gonna meet my dude
presenting the most minah-looking mum i have ever seen.
i will never forget that look on your scorny ass face.
i'll be the matured lady and take all your bullshits.
from A to Z and 1 to 3.
i will surely hear from you again and i would not hesitate to be 'nice' to you.
i dont give a damn if i got fired from my job.
seriously dude.
muka tu make-up banyak-banyak pun kalau dah hodoh, hodoh jugak!
seriously be a fucking parent.
if you care SO much about your child, call your child first and find out whatever you want to know.
be the fucking parent.
omg you make me curse you on the day before Ramadhan, the first terawih night.
ciao babe
gonna meet my dude
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
god, i miss CCPE training days.. hahaha
sorry for the disappearance.
ive been busy, literally.
i had quite a week after the long weekend.
started with 2days medical leave and my last night out for the year.
but it was worth it.
whats there to say?
its an undescriptive feeling i am unable to put into words.
it made me feel in cloud nine all the time.
all the time.
he always say, "takecare of yourself, you know what i mean."
i do. i never forget. what about you, i ask.
woots, i cant wait to be in a jet plane.
it'll be awesome.
my hands tremble.
my eyes blurred.
starting to see stars.
the midnight light burns.
here i am again.
this crossroad never-ending.
which side now, Zie?
just keep falling.
always in trouble.
i like the feeling.
we'll make the stops along the way.
just take it nice and easy, this road of romance.
god, i miss CCPE training days.. hahaha
sorry for the disappearance.
ive been busy, literally.
i had quite a week after the long weekend.
started with 2days medical leave and my last night out for the year.
but it was worth it.
whats there to say?
its an undescriptive feeling i am unable to put into words.
it made me feel in cloud nine all the time.
all the time.
he always say, "takecare of yourself, you know what i mean."
i do. i never forget. what about you, i ask.
woots, i cant wait to be in a jet plane.
it'll be awesome.
my hands tremble.
my eyes blurred.
starting to see stars.
the midnight light burns.
here i am again.
this crossroad never-ending.
which side now, Zie?
just keep falling.
always in trouble.
i like the feeling.
we'll make the stops along the way.
just take it nice and easy, this road of romance.
Fake faces

Wednesday, August 12, 2009
Dear Dreamcatcher,
How are you doing my lady??
I have been doing a-okay i guess.
This new job has been a big toll out of me but im coping and sticking to it for at least a year. we'll see how it goes for throughout the year.
I took a medical leave despite the looong weekend.
Its starting to get to me again.
Like i said in the previous entry, i was strong.
But i have great friends around me, never fail to lend me a shoulder or a listening ear.
I am super grateful to a special someone who taught me the hard way of moving on.
Although i didnt see it coming but it helped me, and i thank you.
You know who you are.
*looks up in the sky*
Im better now =)
My National Day, you ask?
I was with family. Family has been great.
Absolutely G.R.E.A.T.
Fasting month is around the corner, next Saturday to be exact.
Lets see if i survive. hehe
Funny, i dont feel the hype this year's Hari Raya.
Maybe because im too caught up with stuff and new job.
But no, i never forget the meaning of Ramadhan.
Hopefully, i get to do Terawih everynight.
Iman Azi.
Oh, i cut my hair again.
I just wanted to trim it but the hairdresser was being 'nice', so she cut it even shorter.
I look like a boy!
And funny (again!) i dont feel like cursing her.
Must learn how to style this hair of mine.
I met a few new people this period.
Hopefully to meet more 'nicer' ones.
"sit back and watch the game.
No harm to it," she said
How are you doing my lady??
I have been doing a-okay i guess.
This new job has been a big toll out of me but im coping and sticking to it for at least a year. we'll see how it goes for throughout the year.
I took a medical leave despite the looong weekend.
Its starting to get to me again.
Like i said in the previous entry, i was strong.
But i have great friends around me, never fail to lend me a shoulder or a listening ear.
I am super grateful to a special someone who taught me the hard way of moving on.
Although i didnt see it coming but it helped me, and i thank you.
You know who you are.
*looks up in the sky*
Im better now =)
My National Day, you ask?
I was with family. Family has been great.
Absolutely G.R.E.A.T.
Fasting month is around the corner, next Saturday to be exact.
Lets see if i survive. hehe
Funny, i dont feel the hype this year's Hari Raya.
Maybe because im too caught up with stuff and new job.
But no, i never forget the meaning of Ramadhan.
Hopefully, i get to do Terawih everynight.
Iman Azi.
Oh, i cut my hair again.
I just wanted to trim it but the hairdresser was being 'nice', so she cut it even shorter.
I look like a boy!
And funny (again!) i dont feel like cursing her.
Must learn how to style this hair of mine.
I met a few new people this period.
Hopefully to meet more 'nicer' ones.
"sit back and watch the game.
No harm to it," she said
Sunday, August 9, 2009
Friday, August 7, 2009
PHrEnZ Carnival
Bishan Park Secondary School celebrates PHrEnZ Carnival.
Inconjunction of National Day, Sports Day and Racial Harmony day.
And i must say, what a success!
The morning started out with the Principal with the routine National Day Speech and we start kick the carnival with the school's Sports Day, under the influence of the upcoming Youth Olympic Games 2010.
Representatives from all classes came through the glass doors of the hall representing the countries of the world and reciting the Olympic Pledge with much "dignity and pride".
How colourful the entire hall was, im amazed by their sportsmanship!
Then the BMX boys from Loose Grooves came in with their rides and stunts.
After the showcase, the school broke out to visit various booths set up all over the school.
We had the Inline Skating, Rugby, BMX Bikes, Kangoo Jump, Indoor Rowing, Archery, Chanbara, Nintendo Wii, Crime Prevention, NE Quiz and Art Competition.
We also had the final inter-class games going on during the carnival.
Ending it off are the prize-giving for the winners of the inter-class games and, as always, singing the National Day songs.
The school was super "harmonious" and i could swear at one point the school was united.
Reminds me of my secondary school days! Those were the days!
Personally i had fun trying out Arhery, Inline Skating and BMX.
Its a great learning experience for my first event at Bishan Park Secondary School. The students were a great help.
I love my lower secondary boys even though they are crude and rude.
Arent we all are? Haha
Im bloody good at Inline Skating that students came looking for me just to ask me to hold their hands, not that im complaining.
Im now known as the Vans sneakers teacher. LOL
Oh, and there was a student who came looking for me but i wasnt there.
"Excuse me, who is the pretty girl that work in the office?" - student
"Who? So many girls work at the office. Is it the one that wearing shorts today" - clerk
"Ah yaya!" - student
"Dont know, go find out yourself," - clerk
i was wearing PE attire; NYP Adidas shirt and shorts.
Damn funny!
BMX Bikes are tedious! Whats the use of the seats if you cant sit on it!?! Haha
But but, very good experience.
The boys was friendly, and i always have to make sure they are not too friendly to the students.
Boys will always be boys. Tsk tsk
By the way, i only get to sing ONE of the National Day song which is HOME!
One of the PE teachers suddenly grabbed me and starting swaying and singing with his students.
No choice but to sing also. LOL
When the students were dimissed, my real work began.
Setting up and tearing down is hard work.
I must thank Djohan and his squad for helping me with the set up and the uncles and aunties for tearing down.
The Indoor Rowers and BMX Bikers were a help as well, thank you for placing the tables and chair back to their respective places.
I owe you guys!!
its not how it seemed to be.
Bishan Park Secondary School celebrates PHrEnZ Carnival.
Inconjunction of National Day, Sports Day and Racial Harmony day.
And i must say, what a success!
The morning started out with the Principal with the routine National Day Speech and we start kick the carnival with the school's Sports Day, under the influence of the upcoming Youth Olympic Games 2010.
Representatives from all classes came through the glass doors of the hall representing the countries of the world and reciting the Olympic Pledge with much "dignity and pride".
How colourful the entire hall was, im amazed by their sportsmanship!
Then the BMX boys from Loose Grooves came in with their rides and stunts.
After the showcase, the school broke out to visit various booths set up all over the school.
We had the Inline Skating, Rugby, BMX Bikes, Kangoo Jump, Indoor Rowing, Archery, Chanbara, Nintendo Wii, Crime Prevention, NE Quiz and Art Competition.
We also had the final inter-class games going on during the carnival.
Ending it off are the prize-giving for the winners of the inter-class games and, as always, singing the National Day songs.
The school was super "harmonious" and i could swear at one point the school was united.
Reminds me of my secondary school days! Those were the days!
Personally i had fun trying out Arhery, Inline Skating and BMX.
Its a great learning experience for my first event at Bishan Park Secondary School. The students were a great help.
I love my lower secondary boys even though they are crude and rude.
Arent we all are? Haha
Im bloody good at Inline Skating that students came looking for me just to ask me to hold their hands, not that im complaining.
Im now known as the Vans sneakers teacher. LOL
Oh, and there was a student who came looking for me but i wasnt there.
"Excuse me, who is the pretty girl that work in the office?" - student
"Who? So many girls work at the office. Is it the one that wearing shorts today" - clerk
"Ah yaya!" - student
"Dont know, go find out yourself," - clerk
i was wearing PE attire; NYP Adidas shirt and shorts.
Damn funny!
BMX Bikes are tedious! Whats the use of the seats if you cant sit on it!?! Haha
But but, very good experience.
The boys was friendly, and i always have to make sure they are not too friendly to the students.
Boys will always be boys. Tsk tsk
By the way, i only get to sing ONE of the National Day song which is HOME!
One of the PE teachers suddenly grabbed me and starting swaying and singing with his students.
No choice but to sing also. LOL
When the students were dimissed, my real work began.
Setting up and tearing down is hard work.
I must thank Djohan and his squad for helping me with the set up and the uncles and aunties for tearing down.
The Indoor Rowers and BMX Bikers were a help as well, thank you for placing the tables and chair back to their respective places.
I owe you guys!!
its not how it seemed to be.
Monday, August 3, 2009
a quick update before i knock off from work and meet my favourite person in the world =)
Nurul's first day flee market wasnt as exciting as last year's.
i dont know about the second day because i didnt go, which was suppose to be the plan, but i hope its the same cause i dont want people to get better deals than i do!!!
spent not over a 100 bucks. ahaha
i got a feeling my phone bill will be extra extra high next month =(
cant wait for picnic with CCPEs.
let me rephrase what ive define so far.
i cant seem to get you out of my mind.
you linger aruond me.
like a buzzing bee.
making melodies in my head.
sting yet catchy.
i hate this part right here.
you are up there and im down here.
stop understanding and start accepting = fate?
Nurul's first day flee market wasnt as exciting as last year's.
i dont know about the second day because i didnt go, which was suppose to be the plan, but i hope its the same cause i dont want people to get better deals than i do!!!
spent not over a 100 bucks. ahaha
i got a feeling my phone bill will be extra extra high next month =(
cant wait for picnic with CCPEs.
let me rephrase what ive define so far.
i cant seem to get you out of my mind.
you linger aruond me.
like a buzzing bee.
making melodies in my head.
sting yet catchy.
i hate this part right here.
you are up there and im down here.
stop understanding and start accepting = fate?
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