god, i miss CCPE training days.. hahaha
sorry for the disappearance.
ive been busy, literally.
i had quite a week after the long weekend.
started with 2days medical leave and my last night out for the year.
but it was worth it.
whats there to say?
its an undescriptive feeling i am unable to put into words.
it made me feel in cloud nine all the time.
all the time.
he always say, "takecare of yourself, you know what i mean."
i do. i never forget. what about you, i ask.
woots, i cant wait to be in a jet plane.
it'll be awesome.
my hands tremble.
my eyes blurred.
starting to see stars.
the midnight light burns.
here i am again.
this crossroad never-ending.
which side now, Zie?
just keep falling.
always in trouble.
i like the feeling.
we'll make the stops along the way.
just take it nice and easy, this road of romance.
god, i miss CCPE training days.. hahaha
sorry for the disappearance.
ive been busy, literally.
i had quite a week after the long weekend.
started with 2days medical leave and my last night out for the year.
but it was worth it.
whats there to say?
its an undescriptive feeling i am unable to put into words.
it made me feel in cloud nine all the time.
all the time.
he always say, "takecare of yourself, you know what i mean."
i do. i never forget. what about you, i ask.
woots, i cant wait to be in a jet plane.
it'll be awesome.
my hands tremble.
my eyes blurred.
starting to see stars.
the midnight light burns.
here i am again.
this crossroad never-ending.
which side now, Zie?
just keep falling.
always in trouble.
i like the feeling.
we'll make the stops along the way.
just take it nice and easy, this road of romance.
Fake faces

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