Saturday, July 3, 2010

Its been a year.
And now im back to waiting for another full-time job, which i cant wait to start on.
But first, i have to meditate. Haha.

I cant believe its been a year since i started my first full-time job and earning for the family. Although there are four others who too are providing for the family, i do feel the ache in the back, due to certain reasons.

I must say i have accomplished alot more than i have expected and done things i didnt think i could in a year. Like spending the night by the beach with friends and getting myself an itouch on my first paycheck, without even thinking twice. Being able to give my parents a sum of money from my pay is a great feeling.

There's also things that i wish i could accomplish before the year ends like getting my licence which i aimed to get it as my birthday present this June. Total disappointment. And a great birthday party; double disappointment.

However, these are things in life i believe that keeps me going. Keeps me wanting to achieve them even more, although it brought me down to the ground so hard. Because i believe i can make those dreams a reality. Some dreams are just meant to be kept in bed.

Yakult reminds me of you.
Rainy days reminds me of your warmth.
Sand, sun and sea reminds me of your salty lips.
The full moon reminds me of February 2009.
The stars reminds me of your promise.

Part Of The List
Ne Yo

Style of your hair
Shape of your eyes and your nose
The way you stare as if you see right through to my soul
It's your left hand and the way it's not quite big as your right
The way you stand in the mirror before we go out at night
Our quiet time, your beautiful mind

They're a part of the list
things that I miss
things like your funny little laugh or the way you smile or the way we kiss
what I notice is this
I come up with
Something new every single time that I sit and reminisce

The way your sweet smell lingers when you leave a room
Stories you tell as we lay in bed all afternoon
I dream you now, every night, in my mind is where we meet
And when I'm awake staring at pictures of you asleep
Touching your face
Invading your space

They're a part of the list
Things that miss things that I miss
things like your funny little laugh or the way you smile or the way we kiss
what I notice is this
I come up with
Something new every single time that I sit and reminisce
Will you live in my memories forevermore I swear
and you live in my memories forevermore I swear

They're a part of the list
Things that miss
Things that I miss
Things like your funny little laugh or the way you smile or the way we kiss
What I notice is this
I come up with
Something new every single time that I sit and reminisce

Whoaaa said whoaaa I whoaaa whoaaaa whoaaaaa
Whoaaa said whoaaa I whoaaa whoaaaa whoaaaaa

And all that is good, will surely come to an end.

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