im suppose to do a make-up questions for my cousin's tuition later.. but that can wait..
im drained from BusinessLaw lecture just now..
'fustrated'.. you'll know when you learn BusinessLaw.. then i'll share the joke.. lols
i finally get to paint my nails..
like after 1 month plus im stuck with same old boring uncolored nails...
i painted it red.. hakz..
power.. i was so happy that it came..
usually people would dread it but i like it.
i dont have to solat!
kay lame..
me and Siti are entering this competition at Seventeen...
im not sure what its called.. something about best friend thingy..
basically, aku telah dipergunakan Siti Nur Rumaishah to be her model while she be my stylist..
its just for the fun of it..
my life is like freaking boringg..
tak kesah la kene buat bende bodoh depan orang.. janji aku bahagia sudah!
i'll update you guys about it..
yesterday was a bore.. although i was out with family..
its like.. sheesshhh..
family is irritating..
i love them but we just dont see eye-to-eye.. especially dad.
i wish i have friends and understanding mother like Ridzwan.. really.
wait, i do have understanding friends.. just that we're all having problems of our own and i dont want to be a burden to any of my friends.. i love them.
it was my grandmother's birthday... went to her house to celebrate..
but halfway through.. mum and my sisters left me, my brother and dad at my grandmother's house.
i was pissed because they didnt ajak me along...
but what i was more angry about is they didnt even tell me where they were going!
what kind of family is this??
all you all think is im angry because you didnt give me money??!!
how am i suppose to sit home and be goody goody when you all treat me as if i dont exist!??
how am i suppose to tell you whats going on in my life when you do that??
macam maner?
tell me how... im tired of being scolded and i know you hate scolding me too.
only me.
tell me how.
i want to know how.
18years and you still dont know me. maseh tak tahu azi.
thank you family.
you make me feel sooo much appreciated.
i know the love for all of us is the same.
but they way you treat each of us..
its a different story altogether.
dont make me ungkit that story.
i hope you and your family are well.
i just wana curl up and cry.