i havent been updating.. the fact that im busy with ICAs that need my undeniable attention..
the last 3days before today, i had to handle 4ICAs which requires alot of brain work.. yesterday was BusinessLaw and i had to memorize a lot of things!!!
i havent done that for such a longg time!!
but hey, ITS THE HOLIDAYS!!!
well.. term break la..
i wanna thank those that wished me, be it through friendster, sms or embarassed me in front of public..
i had SiewBoon to read me my horoscope the week before and it said that i'l have a surprise present and i'l be alone on that particular day... there was more but i forgot..
so how did it turned out??
i did have a surprise present.. thanks dearest *wink*.. i love the present.. thank you.
and i wasnt alone cause i bumped into Mimi at yishun.. and a few other people..
bottom-line.. the horoscope was half true.. stupid. haha..
i dont believe in that crap.. i just wanna see how close it was to the exact event...
omg, im talking in terms again..
well, nothing much happen..
i have a lot of catching up to do so i dont think i'll be 'having fun' for this term break..
still, i need a break from this messy and slack semester.. its call the term break afterall.. hehe..
buck up azi!
18 years.

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