just didnt have the time..
well today i woke up early to do my tutorials for later..
supposely finish school at 3pm but have make up lesson for fcuking EFMA so today i'll end at 5pm..
and from there im off straight to mediacorp for Anugerah.
Roslan's singing "Sarat" by Nizam.
i really really hope he sing well today, Insyallah.
went to BPP to catch the hopefuls in the meet-and-greet session last sunday..
the reponse was overwhelming la..
lots of them turned up..especially the Alif, Kasreel and Wan Arshad fans..
hhaa.. im so biased.
but heyy, looks do play a part but this is a singing competition.. so yea.. i have the right to be angry why the hell Kasreel and Alif got in.
that sunday too, family played bowling..
we are such bowling freaks even though we play like shit!
oh, saturday went out with family too..
went esplanade.
initially for the fireworks, however there wasnt any..
but i did get to catch the HipHop Hurray2..
awesome shit.
yesterday i went out with Lia.
we went for dinner at TCC.
GST was 5 bucks la!!
Lia still havent get over it after we left the place.
now im broke.
gosh... 5 bucks is alot mann!!
im hate thursdays like to the core now!
this week, i start from 9am to 7pm..
thank you my ass la!
i still have MarketingManagement, BusinessLaw and SW project to go.
overall, im happy with my ICA1 written results.
loveee SW results.. heheh.
well, dont forget to catch Anugerah tonight aite!
why am i always the crazy one??

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