i have to cook first before i leave to break fast with boyfie's friends..
god i hope i have time..
unlike yesterday..
my chalet doesnt seem to have much of an enthu from Bitchalization.
well, thats good because Aloha Loyang are all fully booked for the month of November.
Yippeee right??
i dont understand you girls tauu..
why is it that you girls can go do you CCAs, go for adventure camp, go out with your other friends, do a barbeque, go kayaking and such..
but my outing.. our outing doesnt even matter??
like the Zoo outing..
how many fucktards turn up huh???
the rest dont even bother to reply my email.
im angry.
yes i've been angry since the day you girls wanted to make an outing but it doesnt work.
because some doesnt want or cannot to go to Sentosa when suggested or doesnt know where to go..
and some are just to busy with their own life.
are we still called sisters??
i dont know anymore.
what is to the name of Bitchalization when we cannot even meet up or engage in the most honest no nonsense conversation??
yes, Lydia i got your email.
i got nothing to say dearie..
i know your situation.
its the big A's and its just the same as we were sitting for the big O's..
i understand my dear..
just angry when you didnt get back to me about the Zoo outing because i specify to all to reply the email.. maybe you were busy that time..
well, its over aint it..
dont be sorry ok Lyd..
love you the same as always..
i dont know what to say anymore...
im still trying to find ways to make the chalet work so that we can still have our time.
i'll let you girls know whats up alright..
till then.
thanks Faz for the help..
you know i love you right baby...
God.. i hope i can go Thailand laaaa....
its superr freaking nice laa cann??
you had it all plan already when its like next year June??
i love you!
i miss this skinhead fucktard.

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