doesnt it sucks when you cant help your loved ones??
like when a friend calls you and she's crying over the phone because she caught her stupid boyfriend with another girl or over some stupid fued with her family...
doesnt it sucks that you cant do anything to make her/he feel better because you're on the other end of the phone and dont know what to say except just keep quiet and let her/he say whatever that is needed to be said to make she/he feel better.
did you notice i put 'she' first instead of the traditional 'he/she'??
im biased *roll eyes..
we can never understand them and they always expects us to.
its ridiculous.
seriously it is.
coming to a home filled with emptiness or noise of hatred.
it doesnt make any difference.
both are equally sucky.
and frustrating.
it kills you inside out.
*i wish i could..
yes i do.

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