the photoshoot went well for me actually. i didnt get to see Siti when she was doing hers cause i was getting my hair done in the other room. damn. i want to see lahh.. unfair. she snapped alot of photos when i was doing my shoot, so i played along to keep myself occupied while they analyze my pictures. its funny lahhh.. i like to make faces when taking pictures.. my friends especially Fazilah always scold me for not smiling. ahhah.. i had a Canon camera in my hands, so pose lahh.. hahaaa... gosh. its so tiring to smile 'happily'.. like what the hell is that??! and make you eyes wider? how the fuck?? hahah!! overall... the outfit turn out great.. i hope it looks as good as it was in the magazine. GAP sucks la really!! VOTE VOTE VOTE! hahhaa!!
hello dreamcatcher,
i sooo glad you admit it that i was right about the whole getting back thingy. it would have been so worth it. you should have just walk up and slammed dunk! you would have won easily. haiz.. thank god you're a nice person. thank god you were in a conscience mood at that moment. thank god you have loved ones that are on your side. you are so blessed.
i adore your loved ones. i wouldnt think of doing as such. i mean, i wouldnt want to involve the old adults of the immatured being because it was a feud between two people, well... one actually.. psycho killer. i noted the point, and i agreed. awesome. you are really blessed child.
i say, let it be. if it comes up again, you know you're already prepared. well done. well done.
awesome kids

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