i didnt thought he was.
i just thought he misunderstood me.
i was on his side.
damnit, i was on both sides.
stupid. stupid.
//dont write my name on your blog.
its a simple request.
can you do it?
reading mama's very long entry made me realise that i've been through alot..
just that i dont write it down.
it also made me realise the degree of honesty i display on my blog.
like you can read someone else's blog and the person can talk about all the lovey dovey stuff..
but in fact its not all that perfect and lovey dovey at all or on certain days.
and it made the blog so fucking fake..
like bitch, you liar.. thats not what happen or you didnt write the shit you went through..
something like that..
only mama knows what i mean.. haha
//im speaking in general.
dont be too hard on yourself, aight.
so anyway, im wont be going to school tomorrow..
im looking forward to the job next thursday at NYP..
i dont even know what award show sehh.. and its in my school..
50bucks here i come!!
damn i have never skipped class for a job before..
bad azi, bad.....
*roll eyes.
i dont wish to care about the world for a day.
maybe an hour. or even a minute.
i wish i could live life the way i imagine.
with fluffy boots and big hair and ridiculous spectacle frames.
oversized dresses and bikini wear and big big sun hats.
how i wish people wouldnt judge or discriminate.
and not be competitive or wanting to always look the best.
or have the best outfit which costs like a BOOMMBBBB!
just appreciate creativity and the way things are.
like in the movie SEX AND THE CITY (which i must say was the best!!haha)
walking around in your own creative design and stylish outfit.
and people complementing you and making you feel good and special.
wouldnt that be nice??
world peace, hell yeah man.
im digging this shit

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