lemme take a break from my stressful project.
i have yet to touch Coaching..
bad bad azi..
gahh.. is eriously need to buck up!!
can we bring yesterday back around.
cause i know how i feel about you now.
i was dumb, i was wrong, i let you down.
but i know how i feel about you now.
my retard friends.
they make me smile, laugh, scream, angry and even have the feeling of killing them. seriously, they are the weirdest bunch i ever had. sometimes i wish we were as honest as the Olsen twins. we are our mirror images of each other. i love them alot and will do anything for them. as time goes by, the sentence changes. it become "i love them and will do what i can for them, if they allows me to." i dont know if thats a good thing or not. in a mature way, yes it is. spare me a little here. im finding out myself. nevertheless, they are the ones i hold close dearly. which sometimes i hate it. they dont. why should i? i mean, when did they ever put us first? its tiring and hard work to get us together.. we never get together. not all of us. we didnt quarrel, did we? so why are we staying away form each other?? tell me if i hurt you. so that i know. so that i can make it up to you. do not dissapear and go off with your other friends dancing and goofing off in the middle of the night and make it seem as if i, or the girls dont exist. we are Bitchalization right? i dont see it now. seriously. do you? but what is it to the name huh.. it doesnt matter. so as long as we stick together.. we will, wont we?
times running out on me.
the lights are on but there's no one home.
she's out with her pretty pretty boys she calls friends.
my pretty pretty friends

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