i just finished watching Pocong3..
its nottt scarrryyy..
*nervous laugh..
my two devilish cousins came this morning..
had to take care of them while my mom bring my grandmother to redress her wound..
since ChineseNewYear sehh..
okay so anyway..
its hard work taking care of two devilish cousins!!
both wants your attention at the same time..
i can do it but when one is having deficiency..
of cause your attention is more towards him..
sorry Nur darling..
you're cute and annoying at the same time..
*pinches cheeks..
i cant make it Saturday outing..
im broke.
dead broke.
plus no allowance for the next two weeks cause im on holiday..
& i want that purple dress and get the shoes you feel in lup with first!!
peace. hee.
papparazzi got us.

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