about nothing and everything.
shall not reminisce on today because the day alraedy ended and even though i would like to turn back time, i possibly cant.
but everything that has happened made me the ME today.
and im glad.
could have been better but im glad.
syukur alhamdullilah.
yes im purified.
mentally and emotionally.
i hope it is stagnant as time goes on.
i have to be strong for my beloved ones especially my soldier boy whose going through a rough time.
it'll be better kay,love.
i promise.
TEP ending soon and i couldnt have been more than happier..
the Year One are lucky.
4 hours 30minutes only to be on gurad at the gym.
so bloody unfair.
i get 8hours now damnit.
but every good has its bad..
they dont get off and leave like i do now.
*dances around screaming "nyehnyehnyehnyeh!!"
so cant wait to be reunite with the whole class again..
alot of friendships and understanding grew at TEP.
although the TEP sucks but we learn..
thats all that its about..
"you learn something out of it, dont you??
and thats what you should achieve!"
*roll eyes..
tomorrow will be a better day, she said he said.
i really hope so.
and to that girl that smsed me about the adidas slippers ;)
my slippers are sample dear.
i bought it at the Adidas sample sale.
it was the only pair.
could have gotten you one too.
if i see it again i'll book it for you alright??
bow down to your queen. hee.

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