i changed my blog address... feel like it. right Dee?
im still jobless... no comments.
i just found out that someone's ex-girlfriend was jealous of me... this is hilarious.
im in love with a girl... damn, she has a nice ass.
im going to Zouk this Friday for Puma event... thanks Denise!
i still havent get a reply from NTU... why?! dont tell me my application not valid!
Kiki Perry is annoying me... stop sending me urls on msn!
i come to realize that i cannot work with small kids. they annoy the crap out of me.
went to my sister's workplace, a kindergarden (if not i wouldnt be blogging about kids.. duh), brought Maya for show and tell. once i open the bag, all and i mean ALL of their cute tiny little hands came directly for Maya. my god, cant you wait?!! one of them even cried cause she cannot touch Maya. its a normal cat! you can see them on the streets of anywhere in Singapore!!
*roll eyes*
i mean i can handle kids, i love kids. but to teach them, everyday... god how am i suppose to have kids of my own?? i'll die. shit. how to go NTU. urgh.
just something to think about, was watching Ellen while writing this:
"if you're chasing your dreams, you're not going fast enough," he said.
so just lay in bed.

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